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April 2nd, 2019

Hosted by Kendall Park Friesians with visiting former international KFPS Friesian Horse Judge and IBOP Trainer Jenny Veenstra from the Netherlands.

Jenny will be available for 1hr private sessions to work with you and your horse for preparation of theKeuring the following day.

You may like advice, lessons or tips on IBOP training, Lunging for fitness and inland inspection, tips for presenting inhand, grooming, dietary, clarification and discussion of KFPS studbook rules and regulations.

If you would like Jenny to ride your horse for the IBOP test then you will need to book her to firstly see your horse being ridden under saddle safely first and to assess it has enough training to actually complete a safe IBOP ride.

Jenny shall be available for her standard fee of $150 per hour.


Please contact Tashlin at Kendall Park Friesians for bookings.

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