A Friesian comes with benefits

After seeing daily topics pop up in my news feed from various horse discussion groups about people searching for those miracle solutions to their everyday problems associated with the type of horse they own it brought a little internal smile to my mind when I think of the Friesian horse.

‘Wanted – advice on best feed to create a topline… Best diet for weight gain…. What to use for mane growth…. Best non-heating feed…. Best supplement for hoof care…. Best coat conditioner….’ And the list goes on.

It made me think, for all the hoopla there is surrounding the breed about genetic issues (which are fast being improved thanks to research and development) when you look at all the common daily struggles of the majority of horse owners  with more common breeds, I think we’ve got it pretty damn good with the Friesians.

Topline? Coats? Hooves? Hair? Weight? Energy? It’s all there in the right proportions from the moment they are born. You don’t generally need any special expensive diet for a Friesian horse and most certainly do not need to worry about poor hoof quality or hair growth, heck that’s some of their most treasured traits.

They are in my opinion probably the most easiest horse on the planet to maintain a healthy body and mind. It’s a good reminder to appreciate the many positives this breed brings to a partnership and enjoy just how economical and enjoyable life can be when you have a Friesian.